Serum resistin concentrations are associated with HbA1c in obese non-diabetics, but not in obese diabetics: a cross-sectional human study.

OBJECTIVE: Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and resistin may be influenced by diabetes, but their associations remain unclear. We hypothesized that serum resistin might be parallel to Hb1c. DESIGN AND SETTING: We measured serum resistin in 134 obese non-diabetic (73 women and 61 men), and 65 obese diabetic (33 women and 32 men) humans, and examined their relationships with HbA1c. The presence of diabetes was the only differentiating factor between the groups. RESULTS: Resistin, non-diabetic vs. diabetic, median and interquartile range, respectively: resistin (ng/mL) 26.08, 16.09 and 22.14,14.54, p>0.5. To investigate the influence of HbA1c on resistin, both groups were divided into tertiles based on HbA1c. In diabetics, resistin was similar in high, intermediate, and low HbA1c subgroups, p>0.05, and resistin was not influenced by HbA1c: r=-0.1785; p=0.15. In non-diabetics, resistin differed between HbA1c tertiles, p<0.001, and was influenced by HbA1c, r = -0.3599; p=0.0003. CONCLUSIONS: Resistin concentrations are similar in diabetic and non-diabetic humans with the same range of obesity. However, resistin is associated with HbA1c only in non-diabetic obese individuals which may point to the fact that resistin is a marker of glycaemic balance in obesity but not in diabetes.

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