Post-zygotic diploidization of triploidy in human is possible? - a case of triploid partial molar pregnancy resulting in a premature live-born diploid female infant.

OBJECTIVE: During the treatment of our patient we found that reports covering possible complications and their treatment are very scarce. Due to advancement in ultrasound diagnosis most of molar pregnancies are terminated in first trimester of pregnancy. There is the gap in knowledge concerning pregnancy complications in case of partial mole discovered in advanced pregnancy. This is why we incorporated extensive and up-to-date review of literature in our manuscript. METHOD: We described a case of previously healthy, 25 year old primigravida who delivered live daughter at 27 weeks of gestation, complicated with unusual ultrasound appearance of the placenta, severe hypotrophy, and subsequent post-partum eclampsia. RESULTS: Healthy diploid female infant, now two years old and healthy mother taking care of her. CONCLUSIONS: In clinical practice early diagnosis of this complication usually lead to pregnancy termination. In modern medicine, decisions should be based on evidence and patient-doctor mutual understanding. Termination of pregnancy with suspicion of molar placenta can be specially difficult in gestation in older nulliparous women or after ART. We sincerely hope that this report will be useful for physicians across the world in counseling and treating their patients.